Lana Angel Wing Begonia

Today, I will be potting up this gorgeous cutting. I’ve had this beauty propagating in a mason jar, in bright indirect light, for about 8 weeks. We had a little set back when my cat knocked the plant out of the water, peep those brown roots below the water line.

In the winter, the sink is where I do all of my plant surgeries and rehabs. Keeps all the mess in one spot and a quick rinse cleans everything right up.

Let’s gather our supplies!

For a tropical, humidity loving plants, I like to use this Indoor Potting Mix that is heavy on the peat moss. PSA – Do NOT use this for succulents or cactus without amending it heavily. I’ll cover that in a different post.

If your pot doesn’t have a drain hole like mine, snag a nursery pot to plant your cutting. There’s a higher chance of root rot if there isn’t a way for the pot to drain off the excess water.

Fill the nursery pot about half way with the potting soil, plop your cutting in and top off with more dirt. Make sure you press the dirt in around the roots to get good contact between the roots and soil. You may have to top off the pot a few times once you smush everything down. This also helps the plant stay upright. Last step, water it in really well, like water pouring out of the bottom, well. The peat heavy soil will float a lot, so you may have to top off the pot with water a few times before the soil is fully saturated.

And that’s it!!

The most important part to ensure success is waiting for good strong roots on the front end. If in doubt, wait a little longer!

Enjoyed today’s post? Let me know in the comments below!
Should I do a propagating post?