How Do You Know When To Repot A Hope Philodendron?

You may have noticed this beauty photobombing the paint article recently, HERE. I was pulling the plant out to water it and noticed a huge root curling around in the drip tray! Given the size of the plant and that root curling out of the bottom of the nursery pot, my Hope Philodendron is telling me it’s ready to be repotted. This plant has been in the same pot since I snagged it as a baby off of my parent’s plant. A repotting is WAY overdue!

Knowing It’s Time to Repot

Checking the bottom of the pot every so often to see if the roots are growing out of the pot is the easiest way to check if a plant is ready for a new pot.

Root Bound and Ready

Once I popped the plant out of the pot and saw all of the roots wound around, I could tell a new pot should have happened a lot sooner! Before putting the plant into the newer pot, I gently loosened a few of the bigger roots away from the compacted root ball.

Sizing Up The Planter

When repotting, pick a pot that is only slightly larger than the previous one. The black pot is about an inch bigger in diameter and 3 inches taller. Make sure to double check the new pot will still fit your pretty planter.

Next Week I’ll Be Propagating A Swiss Cheese Vine!