
Hi, I’m Alex!

I’m an engineer, entrepreneur, amateur investor, and your average gal next door.

I live in North Alabama with my husband, our three boys, and two furballs.  We love tackling projects and figuring it out ourselves, because that’s what two engineers do.  We are problem solvers. 

I’m a bookworm; he’s a pop culture junkie.  I’m a systems engineer; he’s a coder. And together we are raising three amazing boys, teaching them real life skills, as we homeschool them all through a pandemic. 

For 5 years, I worked in the 9-5 arena, managing program requirements for aircraft through development, testing, and delivery. In the middle of all that, I met my wonderful husband, and we got married. AW!  Then when I was about to have our first son, I left the workforce.  Typical? Maybe. But we also found out that our son had a serious heart defect that would require surgery immediately after he was born. Definitely not typical.

Fast forward a few years, and now we have 3 sons AND at one point 3 houses! What in the world happened?! We ended up with two rental houses, as well as, a handful of other investments.  At some point, I realized that I was no longer a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom).  Sure, I physically stayed at home and wasn’t working a conventional 9-5, but I was definitely hustling!  When the pandemic hit, I was able to focus on streamlining our expenses and minimizing our personal expenses (the biggest expense and roadblock to maximizing investing impact), which brought us back down to owning one house and expanding our portfolio.  

I have been playing in the stock market from day one of my career!  My mom gave me some of the best advice — keep living like a broke college student for as long as you can and save everything else. BEST. ADVICE. EVER.  I am so glad I chose that piece of advice to hear, ha! I love you, Mom! 

We are two engineers that question everything, and are sharing our money saving ideas we employ to enhance our quality of life. I hope that by sharing our experiences it will inspire you to ask questions, tackle an unknown, and give you the confidence to try.

Places I’ve Been